Thursday, January 24, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Well I have been seeing that others have been tagged and Hope has bestowed the honor to me. So here goes with 7 random or weird things about me. It took me awhile to think about this, some weird some random, you can judge for yourself which category they fall in, but here goes:

  1. I am a member of the Moravian Church. No not Mormon, not Methodist, but Moravian.
  2. I don't like to put lotion on my hands before I got to bed at night; it makes my hair greasy. . . . go figure.
  3. I love to read magazines.
  4. I have a bad habit of finishing other peoples sentences, because I am too impatient to let them figure out what they are going to say next...just say it...get it over with!
  5. I am germ-o-phobic. Shaking peoples hands...yuck...get out the germ-gel for my hands STAT!
  6. I have lived my entire life within a 20-mile radius of where I was born.
  7. Last but not least I am happily married to the best man in the world!
I think now I'm suppose to tag other people. Since most of you have already been tagged for this, and I am such a new blogger I am going to leave it open to anyone who reads this to particiapte if they would like. So if you like...your tagged!


Anonymous said...

I learned something new today. I did not know there was a Moravian Church, very interesting.

I've got to lotion my hands up at night with special cuticle lotion, if I don't my cuticles get in a mess especially in winter.

I loved reading more about you...STAT is a medical term...have you worked in the medical field?

Hope said...

Hi Sandra,
Thanks for playing the tag game! I've enjoyed reading and getting to know more about you. Like Tammy, I've learned something new too about the Moravian Church. Thanks for educating us.

I do think you're weird about the lotion!! (No offense!) My skin is so dry it just drinks up the lotion when I put it on. I would probably look like a snake if I didn't use it. I'm particular what kind I use though cause I don't like greasy!!

Thank you for sharing and come see me!!


Charlotte said...

I was interested to read your "tag" comments. Ginger at Enchanting Cottage tagged me yesterday to tell 15 reasons it's good to be me. So, today, I gave those reasons on my blog. My husband is so sweet. When I told him what I was trying to do, he said he could think of a million reasons. Wow! That certainly made my day.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Thanks for sharing... they aren't such weird things though.
Well, except the lotion maybe =D
I could lather in vasaline with my dry skin... not that I do mind you!