Spring in Paris ~ If you would like to follow this adventure with me, my sister, and sister-in-law, click on the post title (TroisFilles a Paris)!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Trois Filles a Paris
Posted by
Nora Lee
8:17 PM
Labels: Paris
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Moravian Candle Trimming
You know it's almost Christmas when we Moravians gather to trim the beeswax candles for the upcoming candlelight Christmas Lovefeasts. I love the sweet smell of pure beeswax candles. Working with many others at our church we worked on getting all the candles trimmed. When all was said and done 2,000 candles were trimmed with bright red paper, placed in trays, and ready to be lit to proclaim Christ's light. To read about this Moravian tradition click on the post title "Moravian Candle Trimming".
Posted by
Nora Lee
8:31 PM
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Memorial Day. . . Take Time to Remember
Posted by
Nora Lee
10:04 PM
Labels: Memorial Day
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Beautiful Savannah Wedding
This past weekend my son married a wonderful young woman, and in less than one year both my children have married. They decided on a very small destination wedding in Savannah, Georgia in Forsyth Park in front of the fountain. The weather was beautiful and we all had an unforgettable time celebrating this special event.
Posted by
Nora Lee
2:24 PM
Labels: wedding
Monday, April 27, 2009
Spring Afternoon
With the exception of the high pollen counts, I love this time of year. My clematis is growing and blooming like crazy. After an afternoon rain shower a beautiful rainbow appeared for a few minutes between the clouds.
I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth.
Gen 9:13
Posted by
Nora Lee
2:46 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Second 5K - "What was that pop sound?"
A couple of weeks ago I ran in my second 5K race. It was a beautiful day and my sister and nephew were running also. We had ran a similar course just a few days before that and were pumped to be racing together again. I even bought me a cute pink Nike hat for my run. We gathered at the starting line and as soon as the starter blew the horn we took off. Right before I got to the first mile mark I heard something pop in my hip/leg...ouch! Talking myself up: "Just walk it out for a second don't be a whimp." I waved my sister on ahead and stated to run again, then two very loud pops... OUCH! Let's just say I never made it to the finish line on my own. After managing to walk/limp/whimper along to the 2.5 mile mark, I had to stop. A kindly race sponsor radioed for someone to come pick me up. I crossed the finish line in a pick up truck; just as my sister was about to come look for me.
At least my nephew won a trophy for coming in second place in his age group!
Oh yeah, that popping was the sound of my leg/thigh muscle tearing.
Note to self: Stop running after you hear it pop the first time! I will race another day...I hope those aren't words I will regret.
Posted by
Nora Lee
8:16 PM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Running a 5K...and Other Miracles
Just a little over a year ago I couldn't hardly walk to the mailbox without huffing and puffing. Since that time I have made some major changes in the way I eat and (gasp ... the "e" word) exercise. I would have rather taken a beating than exercise. But one Sunday afternoon my sister invited me to play racquetball at the YMCA, it turned out to be a lot more fun than I had imagined. I joined that afternoon and it has changed the ugly "e" word to something I look forward to everyday. After many months of working at it I lost 50 pounds and started my own training plan to begin running.
This cold morning at 8:30 a.m. my sister and I set out to run our first 5K! It was so much fun, and even though we didn't break any records it was a record for me just to be able to run at all, much less run over 3 miles. I have to give her a hard time for not putting her bib on the front of her shirt. You know how it can be with sisters: "I'm doing it right, and your not!"
Posted by
Nora Lee
7:03 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Baby Dish
I really don't know why, but every time I go into an antique store I am drawn toward the baby things. One item that has interested me are the vintage ceramic baby warming dishes with stoppers. Unfortunately they have all been priced between $30 - $50, which is much more than I would pay for one.
A couple of weeks ago while browsing around the Goodwill store I can across this one for $2.00! It's from the 1940's and has a rubber bladder inside to hold the hot water. It looks cute on my high chair.
Posted by
Nora Lee
6:28 PM
Labels: Goodwill
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday Morning Visitors
As you may have read from an earlier post my little dog Melanie died several years ago, and I miss her so much. She was part Schnauzer and part mutt, but she was a great dog. Last year my neighbors got two miniture Schnauzers, Elvis and Lucy, who come by to visit often. It probably doesn't hurt that I treat them to animal crackers! Last Sunday they greeted me at the door, and it made my day. Lucy decided to come back for seconds. Aren't they just the cutest?!
Posted by
Nora Lee
8:35 PM
Labels: puppies
Monday, February 16, 2009
For several days last week my son would stop by after work and thow his line in a little pond near by. He loves fishing as much as my daddy used to, which brings back a lot of sweet memories for he and I both. My son, the man...still my little boy.
Posted by
Nora Lee
7:48 PM
Labels: fishing
Monday, January 19, 2009
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Posted by
Nora Lee
9:08 AM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Going Cold Turkey
Posted by
Nora Lee
7:30 AM
Labels: girl scouts, thin mints
Saturday, January 10, 2009
A Cube With A View
Several years ago my office was moved to a new building, which was great except that I moved from an office to a cubicle. In fact we all moved from offices to cubicles, so I was not the only one who had some major adjusting to do. No more door to close. No more quiet, undistrubed time to concentrate on work. Now it is sort of like the Dilbert cartoon. Nothing like spending the day listening to your co-workers yell into the speakerphone while you are trying to concentrate on the project at hand. No more getting up and going to someones office or calling them on the phone, everyone just yells their questions across the entire office. Oh well, such is the life when working in a cube farm. But that is fine, I am just so thankful in this current economy that I have a job. It is just that working from a cube changes the dynamics of office work.
But I do have one major bonus; my cube has a view! A couple of days ago I followed this storm as it came and went. Beautiful.
Posted by
Nora Lee
1:13 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Out With the Old - In With the New
Well its the start of a new year, and there is so much to do around here!
- Take down the Christmas decorations . . . CHECK
- Vacuum and dust the entire house . . . CHECK
- Wash clothes . . . CHECK
- Clean out the refrigerator and throw away all the left over holiday junk food. . . CHECK
- Go to the grocery store for some healthy food . . . CHECK
- Whip up some white chicken chili in the crock pot . . . CHECK
Whew, with that taken care of I look out the kitchen window and see my poor bird feeder has just about had it! The squirrels had chewed off almost all of the plastic perches, and my husband had replaced those with wooden dowels. It had definitely seen its better days.
So off to Lowe's to look for a new one. After pondering for what seemed like such a long time, and after several attempts from Lowe's staff to assist me, I had just about made up my mind. The store security probably radioed them to see why that woman was fondling all of the bird feeders for an hour! This was a big decision! Or at least I make things like this out to be...will the rain get into the feeder; how easy is it to fill up; will the squirrels be able to chew it up; how much feed will it hold, and on and on.
I finally decided on this big beautiful red metal one. But of course the display was all they had in stock, so one of the helpful associates pulled a ladder over and got it down for me.
When I opened the top and looked inside there were two suet cages that hooked to the sides. I bought Apple Treat Sweet and Orange Delight suet, as well as a bag of fresh 20 lb bag of seed. Best of all when I got to the check out it was on sale!
Okay my little bird friends, come and get it!

Posted by
Nora Lee
4:03 PM
Labels: birdfeeder, birds